Frog Sitting Like a Human Enthralls the Web

Frog Sitting Like a Human Enthralls the Web, Frog relaxes, world goes wild (VIDEO), After a long day of jumping at the pond, this solitary amphibian takes a break. Frogs have a reputation for being kinetic creatures. Hoping from lily pad to lily pad, searching for flies. But sometimes, an amphibian just needs to relax. Frog Enjoys Sitting:

Take this at-ease froggy, for example. She was caught on video while sitting on the edge of a deck, long legs hanging down, belly sticking out, looking like she's unwinding after a long day at the office.

The video quickly went viral and inspired some to ask if the frog was in some way fastened to the deck. After all, the frog is so eerily still. But, according to the person who posted the clip, that just isn't so.

"The frog is OK," the description read. "There is no nails, no glue, animal abuse, etc. Later, she jumped off the bench and galloped away to the water."

via: yahoo

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