Dying Mom makes Emotional Video Plea

Dying Mom makes Emotional Video Plea, Dying Woman’s YouTube Plea May Extend Her Life, Darlene Gant asks to be treated with a cancer-fighting drug before it's scheduled for release in June. A terminally ill woman in Tampa, Florida, may live longer thanks to YouTube. Darlene Gant has stage 4 breast cancer, and she is dying. Mother dying of Cancer pleads to drug company on YouTube, The 46-year-old mother wants to do anything she can that may give her more time with her family. So she made a desperate plea to drug company Genentech to give her pertuzumab, a promising new cancer drug. The problem is, pertuzumab is not scheduled to be released by the FDA until June 8.

Gant's doctors, friends, and relatives sent letters on her behalf begging Genentech to release the drug early for "compassionate use." As part of Gant's wish she says in the video, "please, do what you can and stand up and insist on research for stage 4 metastatic cancers." Gant's personal heartbreaking video has triggered an enormous outpouring of support and encouragement. One person commented, "You go girl! How's that for not taking no for an answer." So far, Gant's video plea has been viewed nearly 20,000 times, and it seems to have hit a nerve with the drug company.

Genentech has agreed to release the drug early on a "compassionate care basis" to Gant. In addition, her hospital has approved the treatment and she is scheduled to start taking pertuzumab today.

via; yahoo

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