Facebook Cost Them Jobs - There is no need in explaining what Facebook is. If someone doesn’t know what is it, than: it is a social network, enables people to communicate, exchange thoughts and keep in contact no mater where they are, etc, etc. As much as this sounds great, Facebook is also a mean machine too! Network can get you fired, too. Some people found out on harder way. Facebook cost them jobs!! Your boss can easily see everything you are doing. It can be said that boss got you “on a short leash“. Now everything is a open book. And pretty soon you could hear the words: “You Are Fired!” (more about senseless sacking on www.stella’smagazine.com) Her is how some people got fired.

Unfortunate case happened in Great Britain. One secretary, we will not name her, updated her status on Facebook, saying “Man, it is so boring at work, today!”. Soon she didn’t have where to feel bored. Her boss read this and found it offensive. There was no buts or sorry, she didn’t have opportunity to come back to her (boring) job.

One teacher from USA also had a misfortune, for her, not boss, student’s parents to read her Facebook status. She was complaining with students and their studding. Parents didn’t found necessary to speak with their children, and see why they are not learning, but attacked the poor woman. And pretty soon the teacher was out!

One girl, working in the Switzerland’s Insurance Company, got ill and was not at her job, but her boss found out that she was updating her Facebook status, and he thought that she is not ill enough if she can be on Facebook.

So you should be careful with what you are doing on the web, because you never know who is reading. I feel sorry for this people and their misfortune, but next time they will be more careful. You may say that private stuff should remain private, but if you are posting it on the web, how do you thing this will remain a secret? You must be aware that all what you are saying will not be only seen by your friends, but many, many others.

Source: lp

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